You can now add in the TradeGuider VSA Tools to your preferred charting \ trading platform. Toolset has been optimized, tailored and integrated so the tools display seamlessly on the charts in the 3rd party trading \ charting platforms. Indicators are automatically displayed on the chart as soon as the Expert System detects a confirmed sign of market strength or weakness. The indicators require no configuration or parameterization of any kind.
The Metatrader Add-in uses a very effective trending system to color the individual price bars red and green to show which direction the market is moving.
The Metatrader Add-in is able to indicate short term trend direction visually using our instantaneous trend technology. Small diamonds are overlaid onto the chart, which change color dependent on trend direction. Green diamonds show that the trend is up, white diamonds show that the trend is starting to change and red diamonds indicate that the trend is down.
The Tools are able to identify periods of potential congestion and display them on a chart. This assists the trader by helping him to ride through risky congestion areas and benefit from the full potential of a move, without succumbing to the effects of minor whipsaw.